Monday, September 10, 2012

Wasilla Picker (Shelves)

 I have been having so much fun in the furniture & antique section of the Wasilla area craigslist.  Picked up this white shelf with baskets last weekend.  I was looking for shelves to add to my trailer kitchen.  This was perfect.  Now my potatos, onions, shallots & ginger are eye level.  Seller wanted $60.  Got it for $30.  Sold!
Now I'd been eyeballing this Japanese tea shelf for a couple of weeks.  When it first came up in the antique section the seller wanted $150 firm for it.  I thought it was adorable but out of my price range.  Then it dissappeared & I thought somebody got a real cool shelf.  Well, it showed up today again.  This time for a $120.  Still out of my price range but wondered if they would come down more.  I emailed them my phone number.  They called back and asked me if I knew where Snowgoose was.  My winter as a cab driver in valley has paid off.  I knew right where Snowgoose was and got on my way.  Seller wanted $120.  Got it for $80.  Sold!

The "pickens" in Wasilla this week were good.


kkryno said...

Cool deals!

Anonymous said...

Home sweet home, Kathy! Sweet!
