Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Every Day Is Veterans Day

Every day that a veteran dies our wings get clipped more. Its like we are all on restriction. Police the yard. Get your hands out of your pockets. Forget even one iota of original thought you had. It was tested illegal.

Proud to be among Veterans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I called the Belfair Eagles Club today and talked to Darlene just after "TAPS" had ended. She said to say hello to all. Dad lived for the Veterans Day hoopla that he put together there and it was only fitting that I gave his eulogy as part of the ceremony. The guest speaker that day was the Navy Commander from the Carrier that George Bush landed on in the Pacific. I informed him that I would mean no disrespect to the Navy as I told a story about dad and his ongoing "Dishing" of anyone that was not in the Army. After my speech, the Commander told me he didn't hear anything negative about the Navy from me, and I told him, "After listening to you talk Sir, I couldn't bring myself to say it". Here's to all of you veterans out there, thankyou, and God Bless!!!