Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Before and After

Roxy got a super bad haircut today. She got cropped! Right before Lake Louise, too. SOmebody gave her a bunny foo foo. Sure, it felt good when they were doing it, looked good at the shop and all, but when she got home, after riding in the back of a truck, it was not what she wanted at all. Inportant Inches were cut off that will take months to grow. All of the curly cues are gone from around the ears and buttox! She can't even look in the mirror and even the cats don't recognize her or her smell.


Heidi said...

I was thinking about shaving Barley (his butt hair is just like Roxy's) and then I found a new tool. It is a under coat "rake". It really works and he BEGS to be brushed now.

FishTaxi said...

Thats what I'm gonna do. Start fresh and keep it up. She had too many snarls.