Marylin's Fireweed Jelly
I'm going to give this a try this year. Fireweed even grows out of the cracks around here.
Marylin's Fireweed Jelly Recipe
When the fireweed is in full bloom its time to begin the process of putting away all the jams, jellies, and preserves for the long winter ahead. This jelly recipe imparts a nice distinctive flavor for those peanut butter sandwiches or steaming stack of hot cakes.
Pick,wash, and measure 8 cups of fireweed blossoms (flower part only!!)
Add 1/4 cup lemon juice and 4-1/2 cups water.
Boil 10 minutes and strain.
Take the strained juice and heat to lukewarm. Add 2 pkgs Sure Jell (or other powdered pectin) and bring to boil.
Add 5 cups sugar and bring to full boil.
Boil hard for 1 minute. Pour into hot clean jars and seal.
Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Good Cookin',