Thursday, July 13, 2006

Teenie Tiny Shasta Daisies

When I spied these three wildflowers growing out of a crack in the cement they made my day!

Not a lot of excitement going on besides being the lone custodian of a building that is getting new carpet installed. Lots of excitement there. I handed out spraybottles of cleaner and disposable rags to all the office workers and told them to have at it. Most of them are rearranging their offices and having a good time. Nothing like new wall to wall carpet to shake things up a bit.

I plan on coming home Friday night from work, taking a shower, blog and take off to Chitina! My friend left the paddleboat at the White Mans house and I hear his grandkids are having a ball with it. Theres quite a few stocked lakes with trout around Chitina.

I miss Roxy but I know my dogs' having a good ol' time. She's a working breed and loves to have something to do outside. Can't wait to see her and my sister. And a few Copper River Reds won't hurt my eyes either!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pics, Fishtaxi!

Love from Boise,

Sistah Sue

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.