Monday, July 30, 2007

SS Derby Update 1

The summer of 1992 I was the Derby Clerk. I kept track of all the tickets, prizes and weigh-ins. What a job that was. I was also raising two feeder pigs that summer. Just for fun this year I thought I would do updates on the derbies when I can.
So far today it looks like #14.20 is the size to beat for the first place prize of $15 Grand in the Silver Salmon Derby. Still a #328.0 leader on the Halibut board.
Mostly cloudy day with calm seas. Yesterday big winds started up about 2pm. Almost a small craft advisory in the bay. The sea breeze normally picks up in late afternoons. Most boats are going out early. All the Silver Salmon Derby leaders so far have been caught off boats though I hear there are silvers being caught off the shore at Allison Point. Or Winnebago Point as the locals call it. Its a popular camping/fishing spot in Valdez.

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