What a Night! What a Day!
Not only did I get to see the Total Elipse of the Moon last night there was also quite a showing of Northern Lights. For 45 minutes the moon was red! My photos were dissappointing but it was an impressive live 4 hour show.
Woke up today to clear blue skies. Warm and sunny! Getting up and going to work was a bear but well worth staying up til 4am. Took my clients down to the dock fishing after lunch and the Mrs. caught her first silver. That was exciting for her and everyone around her. The fireweed has turned snowy white. This means six weeks til it will be snowing on the mountain tops. Quite a contrast next to my blooming rose bush.
I watched the "show" too, up here in Squarebanks....it was awesome, we got some photos, not quite aa amazing as the real thing. Trully impressive Mother Nature. Your daisies look great Mom.....
Leave salmon and all other things behind when you come visit.
Bring Livingstone Daisy seeds.
I want for next year's garden!
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