Monday, September 18, 2006

Sparkling Clean Cabins

Here are the cabins I've been cleaning every day for the over a month.

Things have slowed down so now they have me washing all the bedding so its all ready to go next spring.

Since my daughter is here we put her to work helping me for room & board. A godsend to me!

Mr. FishTaxi is up camping on the McClaren River still waiting for his moose to come sauntering by. Him & his buddy don't want to hang around here too much as we might put them to work. This is his vacation though so off camping they went.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Fishtaxi! That's great that Tory is there. Please give her a big hug from me. I miss you guys! My computer has finally hit the dust so I'm glad you'll be home soon so we can talk.

Tory I love you!

Aunt Sue