Thursday, December 14, 2006


tomorrow at Joe's Crab Shack! There was a 45 minute wait for a table so I opted for Subway. I did get Mr. FishTaxi a T-shirt that says "I got Crabs at Joe's Crab Shack."

The home improvement projects are coming right along. The new Monitor is installed and working beautifully. It has caused a chain reaction towards the beautification of our shack. Rearranging and decorating for Winter Solstice around here. Nothing like a clean, steady warm temp inside when the weather outside is frightful. Not really, its just so cozy inside and since I don't have to go anywhere I'm not. Now if there was a Joe's Crab Shack in Valdez...hmm


Anonymous said...

We went to Joes Crab Shack for dinner last Christmas Eve here in Boise, and looks like we will do the same this year. Mary loves traditions!

FishTaxi said...

Theres a Joes Crab Shack in Boise? dang! I missed it.